Steven E. Fitch MBA
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An Equation Needing A Solution
ISBN: 978-1-4303-0581-1

This book examines the widening gap between those with basic technical skills and access to information via computers, and those without.  With the best economic opportunities available only to those who are skilled, this digital divide has potentially hazardous consequences to the economic and social health of America.  Furthermore, in exposing these deficits, the digital divide explores new and promising initiatives that increase access to technology, train teachers, design programs for girls, and teach students how to adapt to a rapidly changing world.

I hope to stimulate a strong discussion nation-wide to close the gap, if not, resolve the gap between the have’s and the have-nots.

I truly believe this book will change the way you think about technology and those that work in the industry. Please sign up for future mailings and news by clicking here.

Digital Divide Flyer

Ready to purchase the book?  Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

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