Please feel free to visit
and enter my Photography site, but please observe the following
All photographs appearing in this gallery are the
exclusive property of Steven E. Fitch and are protected by
the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States
Code). Reproduction, storage or transmittal by any means,
electronic or otherwise, of any image on this web site, whole or
in part, is prohibited without express prior written permission.
Prints purchased from this gallery, or my affiliates, may not be
reproduced or scanned for any reason and may only be used for
personal display. If you wish to publish or reproduce the
materials in any physical or digital form or use them for any
commercial purpose, including display or Web page use, you must
obtain prior written permission from the photographer listed
I am vigorously making
every attempt to protect my copyright interests. In the
event that an infringement is discovered, you will be notified
and invoiced the industry-standard TRIPLE FEE for unauthorized
usage and/or prosecuted for Copyright Infringement in Court
where you will be subject to a fine for statutory damages, as
well as our court costs and fees.
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